Automated Coaching™ Impacts Individual and Team Performance

increase in effective team member communication and collaboration.
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“Cloverleaf allows our leaders, our directors, our vice presidents, all the way up the hierarchy, to be able to get to truly know what drives and motivates our people so that we can lean into that. Since implementing Cloverleaf, silos have started to fall, teams are working together more effectively, and cross-organizational collaboration has increased, and that’s just the beginning.” 

– Director of Organizational Development

What is the Impact of Automated Coaching™?

We recently completed an analysis of over 100 employees across 12 organizations, investigating the impact of Automated Coaching™ on team member communication and collaboration.

The approach

Respondents completed a short survey about their current team member communication and collaboration before starting their Cloverleaf assessments and before receiving Automated Coaching™.

After each person had been on the platform for a minimum of three months, we asked the same questions regarding team member communication and collaboration.

The Results

Here’s what happened:

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increase in scores, suggesting that Cloverleaf’s facilitates better, high-quality team member interactions.

Automated Coaching™ Motivates High-Quality Teamwork

Another client wanted to do a deeper dive into how Automated Coaching™ improved an assortment of success metrics across all of their employee.

The approach

In this analysis, we paired this survey data with actual usage data to investigate the extent to which engagement on Cloverleaf impacted the change in success metrics across time.

The Results

The findings illustrated that engagement with Cloverleaf was positively related to an:

increase in feeling as if their skills were being valued
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increase in feeling recognized by team members
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increase in high-quality teamwork they felt on their teams
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Learn how Cloverleaf can help you reinforce training and development with ongoing learning that integrates your people’s daily roles and relationships.

These leaders have already seen the benefits of Automated Coaching™

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Join hundreds of thousands of humans in the biggest brands across the globe and:

  • Experience meaningful, personalized development
  • Unlock coaching for everyone
  • Provide continuous learning in the flow of work